A friendly welcome awaits you at....

Latest news from Tamworth Castle Bowling Club
2024 season is coming to a close, and we hope you have had a great bowls season.
The green will close at 7:00pm on 6th October 2024. Members can still play Short Mat bowls and Winter league bowls during the close season, contact us for more information.
Membership for 2024 will be £110 for full Playing membership and £22 for social Non Playing membership.
FULL PLAYING MEMBERSHIP (£110) includes keys to the grounds and clubhouse with no further green / playing costs all season, you can bowl when you wish, as much as you wish.
SOCIAL NON PLAYING MEMBERSHIP (£22) although provides no keys, enables the social member to play in all friendly matches and bowl whenever they wish at a cost of £4.00 per session, except when competitions are being played, and to use the club facilities but not to enter any of the internal competitions.