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A look back over our long history
1814 First records show, Lord George Townshend proprietor of Tamworth Castle, sold the Castle, the Castle Inn (now the Castle Hotel) and gardens to Mr. John Robins.
1833 Following the death of Mr Robins, a family dispute the Court of Chancery decided that his estates, The Castle Inn (now the Castle Hotel), the Castle and his property near the river was described as "a garden with a terrace walk along the bank of the river Tame, a summer house and bowling green" should be sold by public auction. The Castle and the estates came into the ownership of the Townshends again.
1845 Among the well known members of the bowling club were the Prime Minister, the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel, Member of Parliament for Tamworth, Captain Edward a'Court, Robert Peel Jnr., Captain Townshend, (in 1835 the first Mayor of Tamworth).
1897 Tamworth Castle and the Castle Hotel, including the Castle Bowling Green were put up for sale . The Castle was purchased by Tamworth Borough Council for £3,000. The Castle Hotel, Castle Bowling Green and Gardens were bought privately.
1905 The Castle Bowling Club in 1905 with the Mayor of Tamworth Charles Frederick Cast and club members outside the clubhouse.
1920 Ladies Day was one of the main fixtures of the year, playing for a cup presented by the gentlemen of the club.
1922 The Tamworth Castle Bowling Club Ladies Day 22nd July 1922
1977 One of the most important years of the clubs history. The Green and the Clubhouse were put up for sale, which was purchased by the members of the club for £4,000 after raising the funds between them and various fund raising events.
1977 The Castle Bowling Clubs President, Officers and members of the Committee signing the deeds of purchase.
1980 A professional green keeper was employed by the club, which began the journey to become one of the best Crown Green Bowling surfaces in the region.
2020 Some of our members social distancing in the restricted pandemic year.
2022 The green today, hoping for a better chance to play bowls this year on our beautiful green in our lovely surroundings.
What will 2024 bring?
Come along and be part of the future and eventually the history of this great club.